edossea login
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Learn how to refer your patients to specialty and faculty clinics at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics. Use eDossea to securely upload patient images, radiographs, photos and notes.
If you’re a Dentrix dentist, you call eDossea or go to www.edossea.com. In 15 to 20 minutes, you can be trained on eDossea and set up to safely share patient information with the requesting specialist.
Dentrix Connected is a certification program that ensures compatibility and integration of products with Dentrix. Dentrix eServices is one of the certified partners that offers cloud-based solutions for dental practices.
eDossea 1.0 provides a secure system that facilitates sharing of the records within HIPAA guidelines, giving the specialist’s office or dental lab access to files while preserving image quality and data integrity.
With new enforcement of HIPAA affecting how dentists share patient records, eDossea helps practices address the growing need to securely transfer files online.
Securely Log-in to the network from office or home and have access to your files. The records are stored online and protected with data encryption, giving protection against theft, flood or fire. HIPAA’s current HITECH regulations have protected how patient health information is exchanged electronically.
Introduction to eDossea – secure file sharing for dentists.
eDossea is a leader in the digital dental records and digital dental imagine industry. Our dental file sharing software is cloud based and fully HIPAA complaint.
eDossea 1.0 allows dentists and oral specialists to share x-rays and referral forms with other providers in a HIPAA-compliant network. The service is cloud-based, does not conflict with practice management software, and offers online backup and notes features.
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