ba jw org login
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Online Bible. Read and listen to the Bible online, or download free audio recordings and sign-language videos of the Bible. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is an accurate, easy-to-read translation of the Bible. It has been published in whole or in part in over 210 languages. More than 240 million copies have been produced.
Kitai ulih andal Jehovah deka nyelamatka bala nembiak Iya ti taluk ba “Penusah ti Besai” ke deka datai. (Mat. 24:21; Dan. 12:1) Iya deka ngereja nya lebuh orang ari bemacham-macham bansa ti udah begempung, ke mega dikumbai Gok ari menua Magok deka nyerang nembiak Jehovah di serata dunya ke tetap ati ngagai Iya.
Ireray e Web site ko Pi Mich Rok Jehovah. Re n’ey ni ke ngongliy e Pi Mich Rok Jehovah e yima fanay ni ngan gay murung’agen boch ban’en riy ni kan ngongliy u boor mit e thin.
Iseda mauri ai, nega haida ai be ta uramu sivarai ta na turada ta baita hamaorolaia. To nega ma haida ai, unu baita kara toma na auka. Reana ita na asita manada, ita laloda ai e miamu ḡauna ta na tau ta baita hamaorolaia, bona ta lalohisihismu bema ta kamonai turada ida ta herevalaia ḡauna ta na ia ese gabeai ma haida e hamaorolaidia.
Login Details. Enter your User ID and Password below and click ‘submit’ Agent login form. User ID e.g. u783181. BSAFE Password …
Maa ro gin wo la ju ọnẹ ti o ka ṣe iṣẹwọṣe—irẹye dede re ṣe are fẹn (Sam 51:5; 2Kọr 11:3) Ka ṣe urun ti o wa lẹghẹ uwọ kpinma Jihova ni (Sam 51:6; w19.01-E 15 ¶4-5)
The modern Hindi and Urdu standards are highly mutually intelligible in colloquial form, but use different scripts when written, and have lesser mutually intelligibility in literary forms. The history of Bible translations into Hindi and Urdu is closely linked, with the early translators of the Hindustani language simply producing the same …
Iehova ida emu hetura karana e hagoadaiamu ḡaudia ba goadalai (Sa 51:6; w19.01 rau 15 par. 4-5) Matabodaḡa lalohadaidia bona uradia
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