auth0 redirect after login react
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However, after authentication, I’m being redirected back to the login page instead of the expected dashboard. Here are the key components of my application: Authentication Provider: I’ve set up Auth0 authentication using the @auth0/auth0–react library in my React application.
Login. Redirect Users. You can return users to specific pages (URLs) within your application after validating their ID Tokens (authentication). To see an example of how this works, try the React: Login Quickstart. Redirect users to callback URLs on the AllowList.
You use the onRedirectCallback() method to handle the event where Auth0 redirects your users from the Auth0 Universal Login page to your React application. You use the useNavigate() hook to get the history object from React Router.
once redirected, the user should be redirected to the page he tried to access before the authentication process began. After reading the docs, I am none the wiser. They suggest using state parameters. For illustration purposes, I’ll use the example on this page: const Auth0ProviderWithHistory = ({ children }) => {.
I am building a project on the React single page application (the same which comes with Auth0 download). My objective is to redirect the user after authentication. (Note: I have followed: Redirect Users , but still facing issues).
After the user logs in, Auth0 will redirect the user to your React application, and the Auth0Provider will take the users to the page they intended to access before login. withAuthenticationRequired takes the following arguments:
Executing loginWithRedirect() redirects your users to the Auth0 Universal Login Page, where Auth0 can authenticate them. Upon successful authentication, Auth0 will redirect your users back to your application.
When Users Login I want to redirect them to “/products” route which I have specified using React Router. But If I provide as Allowed Callback URL’s it throws me an error page during login.
If you are using the New Universal Login Experience : You can make users land directly on the Signup page instead of the Login page by specifying the screen_hint=signup parameter when redirecting to /authorize .
To protect certain routes and perform automatic redirects after login, create a PrivateRoute component that checks the user’s authentication status. // PrivateRoute.js
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