oups login
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i-dig is a service provided by OUPS that allows users to report and track excavation tickets online. To access the i-dig RTE Program, users need to log in with their credentials or register for a training course.
To start i-dig please vist www.oups.org/idig for more information. If you are a homeowner requesting a locate for a single address, please consider using our free and easy-to-use e-dig online locate request tool.
Training Course. i-dig team at 1-800-240-7190 between 8 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
OUps Login is a secure website for excavators and facility owners to check and post positive responses for dig notifications through OHIO811. Learn how to access the system, use the response codes, and contact the OHIO811 team.
Learn how to notify Ohio’s one-call notification systems before digging on your property and avoid potential hazards. This web page does not provide login information for oups.
Ohio Utilities Protection Service Web Ticket Management System.
Oups. Forgot password? Click here.
Log into or sign up for a profile to save addresses, payment methods, and other frequently used information.
In the interest of public and employee safety, the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) sets forth the requirements for contacting the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS) prior to conducting any digging or excavation activities in our state.
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