nys dmv lens login
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LENS is a service that allows authorized organizations to access DMV records online. To log in to LENS, you need a personal user ID and password, which you can request by emailing DMV with your license/ID number and other information.
Please enter your User ID and Password below: User ID: Password: (User IDs and Passwords are case-sensitive) Click here to change your password. Click here to Signup for Automated Password Reset. Click here to change your personal profile.
When DMV creates a LENS roster, we issue a personal logon and password to the applicant. If your organization has more than one person who may use LENS, we will issue additional logons. Every LENS user may, and should, have their own personal logon.
LENS is an automated reporting system. It reviews the driver license records of your organization’s drivers and reports changes to you by email, on DMV business days.
For LENS support, please contact: NY State DMV Data Services. Phone: (518) 486-4480. Email: dmv.sm.lens@dmv.ny.gov. For additional information: Contact us for a copy of the LENS manual. Log in to LENS.
Apply for LENS. Create a LENS account to begin monitoring your organization’s drivers. Register for LENS. Please know that LENS will not replace your organization’s 19-A Monitoring Service. LENS is a separate and distinct service from the 19-A Monitoring Service.
Log into LENS. select ‘Notification Reports’ from the Main Menu. select a date of interest from the drop-down box that appears. Very new customers with no notifications on file will have no dates to select from the drop-down box. select the button marked ‘Generate’ to see a reproduction.
MyDMV offers personalized and secure online services without the need to mail in forms or make a trip to a local DMV office. With MyDMV you can: Change your address; Check your license status (driving privilege) Check your registration information; Order your driving record (abstract)
If your license expired between 3/1/2020 – 8/31/2021 & you renewed online by self-certifying your vision, but have not submitted a vision test to DMV, your license was suspended on 12/01/2023. Submit your vision test now to clear your suspension
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