raleys way login
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Sign in with your eKey to begin!
You can unlock your employee information and have access to various company databases by creating your User ID and password in e-key. Once you create a password in e-key, you will have access to e-power, a powerful web center database that houses your personal information and WorkChoice.
Access Raley’s Self Service Portal for employee payroll, benefits, work schedules, and company databases using your eKey credentials.
Select a Language: English: Español: Dansk: Deutsch: Français: Français du Canada: Italiano: Magyar: Nederlands
Oracle | PeopleSoft Enterprise Sign–in. User ID: Password: Forgot your password? New User? Click on the key! Need help? Contact the Raley‘s Technical Assistance Center at (916) 373-6070. The e-power system is unavailable each week from Saturday at 6 p.m. until Sunday at 8 a.m. (Pacific time). Copyright © 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Raley’s is a family-owned supermarket chain that offers quality products and services. To access your account, log on with your email and password or create a new one. You can also use your eKey to sign in to You Count, a program that rewards you for your loyalty.
Sign in with your eKey to begin!
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